- About
- Overview
- History
- Did You Know...?
- Professional Conduct
- Departmental Policies
- Employee Recognition
- Photo Gallery
- People
- Services
- Community Relations
- Emergency Notification
- SAFE Program
- Text Message Updates
- Victim Services
- Other Services
- Resources
- Active Killer Situation
- Campus Security Authorities
- 老王app2.2.9
- Suspicious Mail and Packages
- 老王APP
- Local Crime
- Campus Crime Report
- Crime Alerts
- News
- Emergency: 412-624-2121
The University of Pittsburgh Police Department takes pride in the proactive programs it offers in the Pitt community and in surrounding Pittsburgh neighborhoods. These include safety talks, Rape Aggression Defense, and Residence Officer programs as well as community crime prevention groups. Pitt Police K9 officers make regular appearances on campus to promote safety.

Campus Safety
The University of Pittsburgh Police contribute to a positive college experience by providing a safe environment in which to live, learn, and work.

SAFE is a crime-victim prevention and awareness program sponsored by the National Self-Defense Institute, Inc. The program teaches students a variety of self-defense tactics and options.